Security Chief Bill is a pacific northwest native. He grew up around Tacoma, and his early life is shrouded in mystery. His ancestors came to the United States as immigrants. They have a proud heritage of security personnel going back many generations. His family can trace their lineage back to the time of the Visigoths. They fought alongside the warriors of this early Germanic tribe, in battles against the roman empire. Some may have even been among the tribe of Vandals who sacked Rome, but Bill abhors vandalism, so he downplays this. Bill says that his Visigoth heritage is the reason his family chooses to wear mostly black to this day.
Before coming to work at Doodle Dan’s Deals, Bill was living rough on the streets of Tacoma. He was let go without cause by his former employers, and ended up homeless. He won’t say anything about them, except that he is certain they have been murdered by a mail/package delivery person by now.
When Doodle Dan discovered that Bill was available, he insisted that he be put on staff at once. Though Dan’s security needs aren’t great, he knew Bill would be a wonderful asset to the company in many ways. Dan is the eternal optimist, and Bill’s cynicism towards strangers is a nice counterbalance.
When it comes to toys, Dan has never seen the need for them unless they carry food, and those would still be better if you left the toy out. After hearing that Bill had been reduced to playing with rocks and bricks on the street, Dan signed him to a lucrative toy/kibble contract, that has worked out beautifully. Dan still doesn’t understand the appeal, but he’s glad his security chief is happy. In return, Bill has taught Dan the art of howling, which Dan finds to be great fun.
Though the story above takes a bit of artistic license…
most of it is based in fact. Bill was found as a stray on the streets of Tacoma, Washington. He was rescued from the pound by a regional German Shepard Rescue. We found him on the rescue site and knew we had found the next member of our family. He is a toy fanatic, who loves to fetch. He even picks out a few toys to sleep with at night. We are still trying to convince him that the mailman is a “Good Boy”, but he remains suspicious.